viernes, 16 de abril de 2010

The New Taxes Upset the Colonists

A war between the French and Indians increased the colonial debt. People in Britain were paying more taxes than the colonists, but then the parliament decided that the colonists should pay more taxes.
To make colonists pay more taxes the parliament decided to create the Sugar, Quatering & Stamp Acts. But the colonists would bribe the costum officials so they would not pay the costum dues.
The Prime Minister George Grenville in 1764 proposed to inforce the tax laws. The Sugar Act lowered the duties in molasess (a thick syrup produced during the refining of sugar). He assigned new tax officials & persecuted the smugglers and created courts to collect duties. The Quatering Act was created in 1765 and required colonies to give soldiers a place to sleep, eat and rest after the Freanch-Indian War. With this the colonists lost the right to rule themselves. Finally on March of 1765 the Stamp Act was created, which established that no one could sell anything without the Royal Stamp.

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