martes, 1 de junio de 2010

Battles Break Out at Lexington and Concord!!

April 19, 1775
War broke out in Lexington and Concord--these were county towns west of Boston--provoced by Thomas Gage, who had sent troops to arrest Samuel Adams and John Hancock and also to retrieve the stockpile of weapons they had stored, but, the colonists had been warned in advance of this attack by a man called Paul Revere ( he is known for yelling "the british are coming!")
The Patriot fighters (patriots were the people pro-revolution) or militia (full time farmers and part time soldiers) joined together and went to meet the British troops to drive them back to Boston. At early hours of the morning, 70 patriots were gathered in Lexington Green waiting for the troops, when the troops got there they ordered them to disperse, the patriots didn't give in so the troops started shooting at them and killed 8 of the patriots and marched over to Concord to retrieve the weapons--which had been moved before so they found nothing-- and then they marched back to Boston. On their way, they encountered the minutemen, that attacked the troops from the troops killing 200 british soldiers and later that same afternoon they reached Boston.

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